IJRAR(ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138 ) | UGC CARE Journal | UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, International Peer Reviewed Journal and Refereed Journal, ugc approved journal, UGC CARE, UGC CARE list, UGC CARE list of Journal, UGCCARE, care journal list, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, New ugc care journal list, Research Journal, Research Journal Publication, Research Paper, Low cost research journal, Free of cost paper publication in Research Journal, High impact factor journal, Journal, Research paper journal, UGC CARE journal, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc approved list, ugc approved list of journal, Follow ugc approved journal, UGC CARE Journal, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, UGC CARE list, UGC-CARE, care journal, UGC-CARE list, Journal publication, ISSN approved, Research journal, research paper, research paper publication, research journal publication, high impact factor, free publication, index journal, publish paper, publish Research paper, low cost publication, ugc approved journal, UGC CARE, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, UGC CARE list, UGCCARE, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved journal, ugc care list 2020, new ugc approved journal in 2020, ugc care list 2021, ugc approved journal in 2021, Scopus, web of Science. | UGC Approved Journal | UGC Journal | UGC CARE Journal |UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list, UGC Approved list, list of ugc approved journal
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E-ISSN 2348-1269,
P- ISSN 2349-5138
Journal Starting Year (ESTD) : 2014

E-ISSN 2348-1269,
P- ISSN 2349-5138
Journal Starting Year (ESTD) : 2014
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