ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138
Journal ESTD Year: 2014
Read all new guidelines related publication before submission or publication. Scholarly open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed, Impact Factor: 7.17, AI-Powered Research Tool , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI), UGC Approved Journal No: 43602(19)
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Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers (not being considered for publication elsewhere) in standard format (that is provided) describing new theoretical and/or experimental research. Author can submit paper with have any number of pages including figures, tables, and references. Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, correctness, and presentation.
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Low Publication Charge 1570 INR for indian author & 59$ for foreign International author.
Current Issue : Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Month- February 2025
Impact Factor: 7.17 | International Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journals, and Open Access Journal | Scholarly Open access journals, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database.
Paper Submission Till : 28-Feb-2025 You can Submit your paper any time no deadline for paper submission Monthly Issue.
Review Results (Acceptance/Rejection) Notification: Within 02-03 Days.
Paper Publish: Within 02-03 Days after submitting all the required documents.
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